Complete Guide On Different Types Of Lip Piercings

The lips can say so much, and when it comes to adorning them with piercings, they say a whole lot more! Lip piercings are very versatile and gorgeous look too…In fact, you can even customize your piercings according to your preference and your personality as well. You can also practice rainbow kiss after getting your lips pierced. Here are some trendy types of lips piercings. So, read on to check and learn more about the various types of lip piercings while gaining inspiration!

Bottom lip piercing (Labret)

The labret piercing is one of the most popular choices for the bottom lip piercing. The labret is defined as a horizontal piercing placed the center or side of the bottom lip. This look can be adorned with a wide variety of jewelry styles. The versatility of this piercing has led to its popularity, and often people pair their labret piercing with the other lip piercings to create a completely new piercing style.

Left upper lip piercing (Monroe)

Named after the famed beauty mark on Marilyn Monroe’s upper lip, the Monroe piercing is quickly becoming as iconic as the fabulous woman it’s named after. This piercing is done above the left side of the upper lip, it means to mimic her famous beauty mark. Monroe piercing is more popular among women than men, but piercings don’t discriminate; guys shouldn’t be afraid to rock this sleek and minimalist style.

Center upper lip piercing (Medusa)

If you’re into alternative style, then you have probably noticed the growing popularity of the Medusa piercing. This piercing is also known as the philtrum piercing. This is unique adornment is placed above the center of the upper .lip in the indented groove known as the “philtrum”. If you are looking for a truly unique mouth piercing the medusa piercing is an excellent choice. This piercing is liked by everyone.

Center vertical bottom lip piercing (Vertical Labret)

If you’re wanting a unique look that’s less popular than other lip piercings, then you should consider the vertical labret piercing. A sexy and fun piercing that can work to accentuate your pout, this variation of the traditional labret is vertically placed, allowing both ends of the jewelry to be showcased. Perhaps the most unique aspect of the vertical labret piercing is that it never touches the inside of the mouth. This means that your jewelry won’t scrape against your teeth and gums like other lip piercings.


Certain piercings can create a lot of pain and damage if done incorrectly, so it is essential that you do not attempt to pierce yourself! Vital sources of blood flow and glands can easily be disrupted by an inexperienced piercer, so make sure to enlist the help of a professional. We hope that this comprehensive guide to lip piercing has assisted you in finding the look you love paired with the information you need.

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